Excitement About Russian Gypsy Romani Tarot Cards Deck

Russian Tarot of StPetersburg by Yury Shakov - benebell wen
The The Russian Tarot Of St Petersburg by Yury Shakov - Biblio.com Statements
What you see on the tarot card as you hold it in your hands is the specific size of the original painting. To do this kind of art, the painter needs to wear an arm brace to keep the hand stable, deals with a magnifying glass and, at times, uses a paintbrush made from a single hair.

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The LWB does offer some insight into the cultural referrals, albeit sparsely. The Falling Tower's images here is an allegory for the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917. The booklet will describe how The Fool card depicts a skomorokh, or a Slavic harlequin. You Can Try This Source in the skomorokh's left hand is a doll picture of himself, and he wears bells on his clothing so people know when he's coming.

(You can see The Empress card below, in the picture of the card set with the High Priestess.) The card pictures in this post are randomized and not in any particular order or they're in the randomized order I last left the deck in years and years back. I like that The Moon card includes Charon, ferryman for the dead, guiding his boat down the dark river Styx.
Egorov Tarot - Gold Edition - Tarocks - Truths
The top corners of the cards indicate the match. Majors include the blue flowers, and after that the 4 suits bear their respective symbols the clubs, cups, swords, and coins. This further contributes to the readability of the cards. The very first thing I'll see in a card spread will be the price quote tally of Majors, Wands, Cups, etc.

162Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards - YouTube
The High Priestess card features Saint Olga of Kiev, Equal to the Apostles, Grand Duchess of Kiev. The illustrations lend themselves well to daily or popular reading uses. The 4 of Coins here, for example, opts for the more fortune-telling interpretation rather than the mystical, i. e., it reveals a hoarder or usurer, someone obsessed with the materialistic.
There's another aspect to interpreting the Ten of Wands that I like here this card can likewise be about using your power for selfless, selfless, greater-good reasons. I'm going to be including that to my individual tarot journal of card significances for the 10 of Wands! =-RRB- "St. Olga of Kiev" (1892) by Mikhail Nesterov The above is just to offer comparison between a famous-painting-version of St.